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Mothers' Union Prayers

The Mary Sumner Prayer

Written in 1876 by Mothers' Union founder Mary Sumner

All this day, O Lord,
Let me touch as many lives as possible for thee;
and every life I touch, do thou by thy spirit quicken,
whether through the word I speak,
the prayer I breathe,
or the life I live.


Mothers' Union Prayer

Loving Lord
We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.
We pray for families around the world.
Bless the work of the Mothers' Union
as we seek to share your love
through the encouragement, strengthening
and support of marriage and family life.
Empowered by your spirit,
may we be united in prayer and worship,
and in love and service
reach out as your hands across the world.
In Jesus' name,


Mid-day Prayers

Jesus, Lord of life,
by the power of your word
and through your actions of love,
call us to be your disciples.
Give us the strength to be different,
to stand up for justice and peace
and be signs of your reconciling love for all.


God of grace, enable your servants to carry out your mission on earth
through the work of the Mothers' Union worldwide.
We pray for all our members.
May God be with them in every part of their lives,
encouraging and leading them,
sheltering and strengthening them
so they may work to your praise and glory.


Faithful and loving God,
who called Mary Sumner to work for the renewal of family life:
inspire us to follow her example
and respond to your call to new adventures,
new possibilities and new visions
for the work of the Mothers' Union around the world.


May we always see the world through the eyes of Christ,
speak to those we meet with the words of Christ,
and take with us on our journey the peace of Christ.


Emergency Prayer Chain

If you know of someone whom we could help through prayer,

please contact:

Each person will be kept in prayer for 3 weeks.


Page last updated: Thursday 5th February 2015 11:27 AM
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