Pastoral Care

The role of the Pastoral Visitor is an important one in the parish of Birstall and Wanlip. Part of the responsibility is to be a channel of communication, and to keep people in touch with what is happening in the life of the churches. The visitor provides support and encouragement at particular times of need, and offers not just their own time, skills and resources, but those of the church as a body.

Home Communion

Home Communion is available to those who are unable to get to church.  This might be due to illness or following an operation. 

We also take communion to people who in the past used to go to church but are now elderly and housebound and are unable to get there anymore.  As well as the clergy, a small group of lay people have been licensed by the Bishop to carry out this ministry.

If you would like more information please contact: Rev Amanda Digman 07803 625049 Email:


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