Tel: 01234 567890
Email the Office

Mothers' Union

Main meeting 3rd Monday monthly at 10am at St James, Birstall.
A small entrance charge of £2 per meeting is made to cover admin. costs.


Monday January 20th at 10am
Mothers' Union Annual Service in St James church
followed by A.G.M. in St James community area.
Everyone is welcome

Monday February 17th at 10am
Mothers' Union meeting

in St James community area.
Everyone is welcome

You can also watch
Mothers' Union Mid-day Prayers 
on Mothers' Union Facebook
with our worldwide family.

or to listen, Daily Hope tel: 0800 804 8044 - option 5 - option 9




























Mothers' Union Prayers

Mothers' Union Prayers

Mothers' Union Projects

Our branch projects in partnership with Leicester Mothers' Union

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