Mothers' Union

Main meeting 3rd Monday monthly at 10am at St James, Birstall.
A small entrance charge of £2 per meeting is made to cover admin. costs.


Monday July 15th at 10am
Mothers' Union meeting
in St James community area.

Guest speaker: Staff Volunteer from
St Peter's Multifaith Resource Centre
Everyone is welcome

Monday September 16th at 10am
Mothers' Union meeting
in St James community area.

Speaker: Helen Tarry
'My time as a foster carer'.
Everyone is welcome

Monday October 21st at 10am
Mothers' Union meeting
in St James community area.
Guest speaker: Pamela Bird
'Whispers and secrets - Meditation'
Everyone is welcome

You can also watch
Mothers' Union Mid-day Prayers 
on Mothers' Union Facebook
with our worldwide family.

or to listen, Daily Hope tel: 0800 804 8044 - option 5 - option 9




























Mothers' Union Prayers

Mothers' Union Prayers

Mothers' Union Projects

Our branch projects in partnership with Leicester Mothers' Union

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